
When it comes to securing a burial plot for a loved one’s final resting place, the decision-making process can be both emotionally challenging and riddled with uncertainty. Most of us are not well-versed in this matter, as it’s not a task we undertake frequently. To ensure you make an informed choice and provide your loved one with a peaceful eternal resting place, it’s crucial to ask the right questions when dealing with a cemetery. GraveListing provide you a guide, we’ll walk you through the essential inquiries you should make before buying a burial plot.

Understanding Burial Plot Options

Before making any decisions, it’s vital to comprehend the available burial plot options. Cemeteries offer various types of plots, such as single-depth, double-depth, family plots, mausoleums, columbariums, and estate monuments. Each of these options caters to different needs and preferences. Single-depth plots are suitable for individuals, while double-depth plots are intended for couples or siblings. Family plots allow multiple interments, mausoleums provide above-ground burials, columbariums house cremated remains, and estate monuments offer a dedicated family area. Understanding these options will help you select the most suitable one for your loved one.

Single-Depth Plots

When choosing a single-depth plot, you’re selecting a final resting place for one individual. These plots typically accommodate a lawn-level, bevel, slanted, or upright headstone.

Double-Depth Plots

Double-depth plots are designed for two people, usually siblings or couples, and they provide a unique way for loved ones to be together even in the afterlife.

Family Plots

Family plots are versatile and allow you to determine the number of loved ones you want to inter, making them a great choice for multi-generational planning.


Mausoleums offer above-ground burial options, providing a dignified and secure resting place for your loved ones.


For those opting for cremation, columbariums provide niches to house urns containing cremated remains, fostering a sense of unity even in a smaller space.

Estate Monuments

Estate monuments offer a more private, gated area within a cemetery for families seeking in-ground casket or urn burial spaces.

Location Matters

The location of your chosen burial plot within the cemetery is a crucial factor. Cemetery regulations dictate where different types of memorials can be placed. Consulting with your memorial provider can help you identify suitable locations that align with your preferences and the cemetery’s guidelines. The location you choose will not only affect the design of your loved one’s headstone but also serve as a place of gathering for generations to come.

Ensuring the Exact Burial Plot

When discussing burial plots with cemeteries, it’s important to confirm whether the plot you are shown is the exact one you will be purchasing. Sometimes, cemeteries showcase examples but may allocate a different plot. Request to see the final location before finalizing your decision to avoid any surprises.

Budget Considerations

The cost of burial plots can vary significantly based on factors like the cemetery’s location, plot size, and specific location within the cemetery. It’s essential to understand the pricing structure and budget accordingly. On average, a single-depth burial plot in Ohio, for instance, costs around $1,200. Be sure to explore all associated costs, such as opening and closing the grave, grave liners or burial vaults, temporary grave markers, and maintenance fees, to get a comprehensive view of your expenses.

Permit Requirements

Some areas may require permits and paperwork to purchase and open a burial plot. It’s crucial to inquire about permit requirements, associated costs, and who handles the necessary paperwork. Understanding these logistical aspects is essential to a smooth process.

Burial Vaults – A Necessity?

Certain cemeteries mandate the use of burial vaults or grave liners to support the soil around the casket. These protective measures reduce maintenance and help preserve the cemetery’s integrity. Learn about burial vault requirements and consider purchasing from a trusted provider.

Headstone Rules and Regulations

Cemeteries often have rules governing the material, size, and shape of memorials, as well as restrictions on certain types of plots. Consult your memorial provider regarding the types of memorials allowed at your chosen cemetery to ensure compliance.

You can get more in depth details about this at the blog of Alecia Milano who is working on such things from generations.


Securing a burial plot is a profound and deeply personal decision. By asking the right questions and considering all aspects, you can make an informed choice that honors your loved one’s memory and provides a peaceful resting place. Take the time to explore your options, understand the costs involved, and clarify any doubts you may have with the cemetery and memorial providers.


1. What is the average cost of a burial plot?

The cost of a burial plot varies depending on factors like location, plot size, and specific cemetery regulations. On average, a single-depth burial plot in Ohio costs around $1,200.

Do all cemeteries require the use of burial vaults?

No, not all cemeteries require burial vaults, but some do. It’s essential to check with your chosen cemetery to understand their specific requirements.

2. Are there any restrictions on the types of memorials I can choose for a burial plot?

Yes, many cemeteries have rules governing the material, size, and shape of memorials. Consult with your memorial provider to ensure compliance.

3. What is the purpose of a temporary grave marker, and how much does it cost?

A temporary grave marker is placed immediately after burial until the permanent headstone is ready. Prices can vary but typically start at around $140.

4. How can I ensure that my chosen burial plot is the exact one I’ll be purchasing?

To confirm the plot’s location, ask the cemetery to show you the exact plot you will be buying before finalizing your decision.

5. Do I need a permit to purchase and open a burial plot in my area?

Some areas may require permits and paperwork. Consult with your cemetery or memorial provider to understand the requirements and associated costs.

6. Can I purchase a burial vault from a provider other than the cemetery or funeral home?

Yes, you can purchase a burial vault from various providers, but it’s advisable to choose a trusted provider to ensure quality and compliance.

7.    What are the benefits of estate monuments for family burials?

Estate monuments offer a dedicated, private area within a cemetery for family burials, ensuring a lasting legacy and a sense of togetherness for generations.