One Time Posting Fee

$50.00 CAD
  • Unlimited Listings Upload
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  • Free Support from Expert
  • Visible to Customers over Canada & USA

We are an online gravesite broker company that has been in business for over a decade and we can assist in the process of selling your cemetery plots.

The way this works is very simple. We have a growing database of potential buyers who could be interested in your plots. This means that when you make use of our service, you are guaranteed to gain immediate exposure. This means it is very likely that a buyer will be found within a short period of time.

We also advertise in the local newspapers, different online advertising sites, social media (Facebook, Instagram, ect) and our website We also save you time and money finding that right buyer. Not only that, but we are constantly looking for ways to maintain optimal exposure and this means that we are the service provider that helps you sell your plots fast and easy.

There is an initial one time listing fee for sellers with an additional 10% referral fee from the total selling price that is used to cover the costs of our consistent efforts to showcase your plots. You only pay this referral fee if the plot is sold and you can decline any offer until you are satisfied with a proposal.

There is absolutely nothing to lose and much to gain. I just need how much you are asking for them including the referral fee, the section, lot and grave number and if there is anything else included in the sale like vaults, marker, perpetual care or just the plots themselves.

No hassles, no obligations. Just a great alternative to help you sell your grave plots faster!

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